Notice of Annual General Meeting

Announcing Annual General Meeting 2021

Call for Agenda. Please find attached the circular from Hon'ble President IARC


Important Notes:
In light of the COVID-19 situation and pursuant to the relevant order under the COVID19 (Temporary Measures) by the Government of India, the following arrangements will be adopted for the Annual General Meeting:
(a) Only a Registered member can attend the Annual General Meeting by observing and listening to the proceedings of the meeting by electronic means. The details of the online meeting platform will be circulated at least one day (24 hours) before the meeting.
(b) A member may submit questions to the society via email or such other electronic means as the Society considers appropriate. The questions must reach the society at least 4 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
(c) All substantial and relevant questions will be addressed by the Executive Board and/or presidential body prior to, or at, the Annual General Meeting. Questions that concern a matter that will be put to a vote will be addressed by the Executive Committee and/or Presidential Body before the closing date for the Annual Conference RESCARE 2021.


2021-11-08 06:43:11

In pursuit of this mission, our primary goals include:

  1. Foster the practice of Respiratory Therapy of high caliber, with compassion for the relief of suffering of those with a variety of respiratory ailments, within and outside the intensive care units.

  2. Promoting high quality formal training in institutions that have the necessary infrastructure.

  3. Facilitate continuing education by holding conferences, meetings, workshops etc. to hone the skills of the practicing Respiratory Therapists.

  4. Engage in advocacy for the promotion of the field of respiratory therapy within the medical fraternity, with the various governmental/statutory bodies and the public.

  5. Unite and enlist respiratory therapists of India as members of the association and solicit their support to achieve the objectives of the association.