New Website for IJRC Launched

As part of our effort towards unification, IJRC is moving to a new domain name. Starting July 28, new domain name for IJRC will be www.ijrc.in.
Besides changing our domain name, nothing else will change that will affect you as our user. 

The previous publication links to the ijrconline.org domain will automatically be redirected to ijrc.in

We hope that with these changes, we can convey a more cohesive brand identity and promote better recall and recognition among all our stakeholders.
Please whitelist the www.ijrc.in domain and update your bookmarks accordingly to help the new pages get indexed!

Dr Anitha Nileswar
Editor in-Chief

2020-08-01 01:16:32

In pursuit of this mission, our primary goals include:

  1. Foster the practice of Respiratory Therapy of high caliber, with compassion for the relief of suffering of those with a variety of respiratory ailments, within and outside the intensive care units.

  2. Promoting high quality formal training in institutions that have the necessary infrastructure.

  3. Facilitate continuing education by holding conferences, meetings, workshops etc. to hone the skills of the practicing Respiratory Therapists.

  4. Engage in advocacy for the promotion of the field of respiratory therapy within the medical fraternity, with the various governmental/statutory bodies and the public.

  5. Unite and enlist respiratory therapists of India as members of the association and solicit their support to achieve the objectives of the association.